
Join our event: Ditch greenwashing

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Redactie  -  donderdag 1 september 2022

Please note: this event will be rescheduled to Wednesday, November 16.


You are welcome to join our informative and fun event about ESG data solutions. The event is relevant for everybody who's interested in green investments, and free of charge.

You can subscribe via our website.

About the event

Whether it's due to the market, participants or shareholders, it seems that every investor wants to make an impact with green, social and well run investments. But how to avoid common issues like greenwashing and self-reporting? You need the right data to make accurate decisions.


First we will outline the current state of ESG investing and the challenges we face. Then we will explore possible solutions, gathering insights from new and exciting players that might very well disrupt our current way of working. Expect expert speakers, flashy start-up companies and plenty of opportunity to chat over drinks.

Practical information:
  • The event is on the 16th of November
  • From 16.00 until 19.30 PM.
  • Location is Pllek in Amsterdam, T.T. Neveritaweg 59.

Bij Qconcepts vinden we het belangrijk om onze kennis te delen. Daarom schrijven onze Q'ers regelmatig een blog over de sector waarin zij actief zijn of actuele wet- en regelgeving.

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